I Made It Blog Party is on vacation this week, so come back next week and link up your creative post! We wouldn’t want to miss what you’ve been working on.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer! Have you tried a new craft? Made something fun with your kids? Traveled to far away lands?
I’d love to hear about it!
In other news…
I’m over at therikrakstudio for an interview! I’m answering some questions and giving my blogging advice….watch out world!
Ha! Kristal is such a hoot…I don’t think I said anything “brilliant”, but it was fun! And there’s one of my favorite family photos!
Please stop over there and let me know what you think by leaving a comment. I even said some nice stuff about my readers!
FIRST! You are a woman after my own heart! I love the south I love traveling I love Chick-fil-A (there aren’t enough where we are now). Now I do believe those that it’s proper name is TEXAS sweet tea! *giggles* I also get lost in reading blogs as apposed to linking up or finishing projects or just posting in general. I love your blog advice. I’m new and it’s nice to hear. I also have a lil simple photo tutorial. Believe it or not but all my photos are from my cell phone!! My pasta bake got me my very first feature tho!! I loved reading your interview. I love meeting new people in bloggyland. 🙂