A recent New York Times web slideshow highlighted a number of handmade artisans who have found a way to make a “real” living selling online through sites like Etsy (our favorite).
Among those featured, the most dramatic (and probably highest priced), was this incredible fire bowl made of thick steel plate by Etsy seller John T. Unger JohnTUnger on Etsy. This wonderful work of art can be yours for $1049.00, plus a couple bucks for shipping.
It’s so encouraging to see success stories of creative people online. We’ve got some tools here to help you get there too. Check out our Running Your Etsy Business category, read some of our Etsy Sellers Interviews, or grab a Free Etsy Banner for your shop.
Go Etsy!
The deeper I get into the handmade world, the more I’m turned off by mass-produced ‘stuff’. I’m determined to make this Christmas and holiday season a totally handmade one, if only to support my fellow crafters.
Also, that fire bowl is stunning 🙂
.-= Stacey´s last blog ..Leafy print tote with striped lining =-.
My favorite expensive. Etsy thing is the tree bed (yours for only $9,600!) I would totally buy it if I could! http://www.etsy.com/listing/18999276/under-the-apple-tree-canopy-bed-modern
.-= tera´s last blog ..Keep Calm =-.
I agree with Stacey. The more you experience handmade, the clearer it becomes that mass produced is inferior. I’m planning on all of this year’s decorations for the holiday being handmade and most of the gifts too. It does feel great to do things with your own two hands and also to support other people making a living through their creativity.
.-= Catherine´s last blog ..– Monday Morning Deal – =-.
It’s such a nice thing to see artists like these get the recognition they deserve! 🙂
.-= Lana´s last blog ..PAPER BIRD soldered charm necklace with vintage ribbon =-.
I absolutely agree with Stacey! The more I make, the more I would rather buy handmade. Not just to support the handmade community, which is nice, but I know the care that goes into making one item at a time, and if you are a small seller, chances are you put more effort into your products because you are proud of what you do!
I <3 handmade!
.-= Holly Storm´s last blog ..OOAK Knee-length Yukata with Pleated Obi =-.
Hand made all the way! It’s the only way you get a little piece of someones heart when you make a purchase or better yet, receive a handmade gift:)
BTW, that tree bed is to die for!!!
.-= Jamie´s last blog ..Vintage Blue Willow Tea Cup Pincushion =-.
So encouraging! Thanks for the extra (and much needed) motivation boost! 🙂
thanks for calling our attention to this article, it’s great to see handmade getting such good press!