Do you think there were people that told Walt Disney that he was a little too optimistic with his plans and ideas? I bet there were more than a few people.
I’m sure there were times when things changed that were out of his control and he had the choice to either keep going with a positive attitude or quit. Walt Disney will always be know as one of the most creative people ever, yet you wouldn’t know of him at all if he gave up.
A positive attitude can go a long, long way when you’re striving to reach your dreams.
There are always going to be negative people, but you don’t have to be one of them. Just show them what a little creativity mixed with a positive attitude can do!
Your dreams can come true!
*This lovely quote can be downloaded for free from Creative Kristi.
Thank you – just pinned the printable and downloaded it. Love me a great free quote!
Awesome quote! Love it. I’ve found that a lot of times, people don’t want you to succeed because they’re jealous – they see you doing the work they know they need to be doing so they try to undermine your attempts to keep plowing forward. It’s kind of sad when you think about it.
Hello Kim,
Thanks for posting this lovely and encouraging quote. It is just the boost that I needed as I start my season of festivals and craft shows around Florida to sell my handmade soap. Happy Wednesday!
Smiles, Paula
Well said.
Thanks for the uplifting, positive post! It is hard to stay up sometimes when there is so much negativity around. Let’s keep each other positive!
You know I was just thinking about this very topic and made it the subject of the Oct. 2 HAHblog post.
Gotta love ‘positive’ and what HAH is all about! Have a grrrrrrrrreat day!
Amen Sistah 😉 😉