The Entire Recently Listed Section at the top of this page is all one shop!
Stop the presses. Gasp. I was wrong! (Actually it happens all the time, but don’t tell Tim.)
Last week we were talking about the new Etsy Search results and how they could/would impact sales. I made the comment that renewing your listings was “done”, over, yesterday’s news.
(Read that post and comment discussion here.)
Grouped Listings Can Dominate Search Results Pages
The very top of the Etsy search results includes recently listed items, but I didn’t consider that very useful because it was only four items and I figured the chances of appearing there were too slim to be worth the effort.
Maybe I was wrong. Keeping in mind that those four items are based on the same search query but only searching new listings, the chances might be better than I thought.
And then look at what can happen if you renew the listings on a group of items one after another (you can renew multiple listings simultaneously). The photo at the top shows that it’s possible for your shop to own the entire top row on the results page.
That can’t be a bad thing! Is it worth the effort and cost? I’m not sure…
What are your thoughts?
I’m not so sure it’s worth the time and the cost now that searches are prioritized by relevancy. Although the 4 most recent items are indeed listed at the top, I’m not sure it’s worth the 0.20 per listing is worth it to appear on the top of the page for, what? maybe half an hour to an hour tops. Unless you’re listing in a really unique category where there’s not a lot of recent listings, I don’t think it’s worth it.
So true! I do think the categories make a big difference. If you show up in two smaller categories and stay there for awhile…that might be worth it. 🙂
It’s going to take some trial and error to find out what works best. {besides having an awesome product…lol}
I have been experimenting a little with this. I have found that I do have an increase in views and hearts, and a few sales, directly related to items that I have recently (say, within a few hours) relisted. I think it may have some impact, but not tons. I’m spending a little bit of money on it, maybe 1/6 of what I used to spend on renewing. I’m spending more on making several listings of the same product, but varying titles, tags and pictures.
Interesting thoughts. My first thought on Erin’s idea of making multiple listings for the same item was… “good idea”, but then when I put myself in the real buyer’s shoes and I’m actually browsing a shop, it might get frustrating and confusing to find the same item under more than one listing. I guess it depends on if you figure more people buy directly from the single item page (reached first after the search results) or if they click to see your shop before buying.
I’ve thought that too Tim. With my items though, it’s often helpful, since I have customers purchasing more than one of the same item at a time. Keeps me from having to do custom listing sometimes. However, I am only doing this in my applique clothing shop. In my other shop, with distressed picture frames, I’m keeping it at one listing per item. That shop most of my business is custom orders anyway, so the listings really just give customers idea. Sometimes they are purchased, for sure, but not as much.
I’ve compared my listing views vs my shop views, and my listing views are 3-4 times greater than my shop views, so I think that means I get more people looking at items from the search page, rather than coming to my shop and looking around. Again, not sure if that’s the best way to do it, but it is working well for now. I’m back up to capacity work-wise.
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Christmas Applique T-Shirt – Rudolph Reindeer Applique Shirt or Onesie- You Choose Sleeve Length and Shirt Color =-.
Renewing listings in batches has become a regular practice for me. I renew a dozen listings at least once a week just to boost visibility, sometimes more often. I’ve also noticed an increase in activity (views, hears, or sales) within an hour or so of renewing listings. It seems that I’m more likely to have a single person ‘heart’ several items when I renew listings this way. I probably spend $20 to $30 a month on renewals, which I make back if the process results in just 1 or 2 extra sales, although I’ve been tracking more than just 1 or 2 extra sales with this method! It’s worth it to me.
I’m going to give it a try!
do you mean renewing one item and listing 4 in your shop? or renewing 4 items all at once? having one of those “confused moments” 🙂
.-= lisa @thebeadgirl´s last blog ..Hold Fast =-.