It’s the 3rd week of Moda May here on Everything Etsy and we’ll be featuring tons of sweet Moda fabric. Our friends at Fat Quarter Shop are sponsoring a weekly giveaway {each Wednesday} all month long…you won’t want to miss this!
One lucky Everything Etsy reader will win a $75 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop!
Grab a button for your blog and share it with your friends!
Check out these great Moda fabrics…
This Hullabaloo layer cake got my attention! Well, for starters, it perfectly amazing! I love the colors, the cute little flowers, and I know the quality is outstanding. I’m adding this to my wish list!
This adorable Meadow Friends fabric will be available in July. It’s a great fabric for little boys and girls that always have a bug in their pocket. The design with the turtle is awesome! I still have a pet tortoise…I’ll never grow up!
One lucky Everything Etsy reader will win a $75 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop! Woot! 🙂
Now for last week’s Moda May winner…
Congratulations, Sandy!
Share the giveaway fun of Moda May on your blog with one of our buttons and subscribe to Everything Etsy so you don’t miss any of these giveaways. Next week will knock you off your feet!
Here’s how to enter…
- Visit Fat Quarter Shop and leave a comment here about your favorite fabric.
- Add a “Moda May” button to your blog or blog post. {1 entry each}
- Spread the word of this fun giveaway by Twitter or Facebook. {1 entry each}
- Follow Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter or Facebook to keep up with specials. {1 entry each}
- If you subscribe to Everything Etsy, follow me on Twitter, or Like us on Facebook…you rock!
{1 entry each}
This giveaway ends May 24th when the clock strikes midnight {EST}. Please make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry.
Good luck on this super duper fabulous giveaway!
I like the Sweet Pickins, very summery!
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and I subscribe to your blog using google reader
I love the new Heather Ross line!
I love the Bohemian Soul by Patricia Bravo for Art Gallery Fabrics 😀
Thanks for the chance!
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i love meadow friends, too! i could make some VERY cute things for my little girls with that line!
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FB fan!
I love, love Meadow Friends! Can’t wait until it comes out!
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I’m thinking anything by Joel Dewberry would be considered a favorite fabric.
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From FQS, I love anything from the Gypsy Bandana line. 🙂
I’ve already got the Moda May button on my blog:
Tweeted! @birdie00000
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Great giveaway. Thank you. I’m still loving Aviary 2 by Joel Dewberry although some of the new ones are right up there at the top of my list.
I like the Sweet Pickin’s
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The Dress up Flame Dress Form is great!
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I really like the Civil War Chronicles Blue Regal Medallions.
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FB follwer, right here!!
I like the Baby by Michale MIlller
I like the Boys at Work FQ Bundel bundle by Northcott fabrics- so cute!!!
I am following FQ shop on twitter!
I “like” Fat Quarter Shop on FB (crystal meaige cox)
I following everything etsy on twitter!(crystal45614)
Favorite fabric?!?!? Am I supposed to pick just one? The new Carolina Magnolias and Paisleys by Jo Morton are beautiful. But then I really like the Patricia Bravo prints… Yes, I’m a fabric-a-holic.
I like everything Etsy on FB!
My son is sitting with me right now and he says we *NEED* Eerie Alley Pumpkin Scary Skulls. 🙂
I love that Hullabaloo!
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I really like Dilly Dally. So cheerful!
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I love the Mango Garden Batiks Fat Quarter Bundle! Thanks!
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Mango Garden Batiks……Yum!!!!
Thank you for a chance to win 🙂
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Eerie Alley Grape Whoo Goes There
What a fun different use of the owls.
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a follower of FQS, on FB.
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I love Aqua & Brown Lily & Will II Jelly Roll
Bunny Hill Designs for Moda Fabrics
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Love the Blue Ridge Carolina fabrics!
Tweeted the giveaway @CindyTabacchi
Following FQS on Twitter @CindyTabacchi
I like the buttercup jellly roll
I have your button on my blog
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I subscribe to everything etsy via rss
I love Kate Spain’s Terrain, and cannot wait for it to come out!
I’m loving the Sweet Pickins line!! LOVE the retro’y fruit motif.
I love Central Park and City weekend! What a great prize!
I love the Riley Blake Wanna Be A Cowboy Collection by Samantha Walker!
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I am really into kate Spain’s terrain, eagerly waiting for that one! I like buttercup too
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I follow Everything Etsy in my Google Reader
Right now my favorite fabric at FQS is the Grinch Christmas collection.
I was just looking at Pear Tree in the coming soon section at FQS. It is my new favorite 😉
I follow FQS on Twitter.
And I’m a FQS fan on Facebook.
I already liked FQS on FB – as Margaret and Marcia.
From Moda: 5 Funky Monkeys by
Erin Michael is a favorite
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I am into christmas lately….guess I am a bit early, but I love the Kate Spain flurry jelly roll
I tweeted about this giveaway!
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The Dilly Dally line is so fun and summer-y! I love it!
Loving the upcoming Sweetwater Hometown collection!
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I LOVE the Sugar & Spice line!
I follow FQS on twitter (ourbusybunch)
I like FQS on FB (Rebecca A)
I follow EverythingEtsy on twitter (ourbusybunch)
I like Everything Etsy on FB (Rebecca A)
I follow FQS on Twitter as @annuin
I like the Aqua Red Red Mini Fleur!
Loving anything by French General; so purty!
I have your button on my blog
I follow you on Twitter @bukaeyes
I like Everything Etsy on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)
I follow FQS on FB and Twitter
and I subscribe to Everything Etsy. thanx for the chances!
I love the It’s a Jungle Out There Fat Quarter Bundle.
Follow Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter @katekaboodle
Follow Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook as Melanie Johnson
! subscribe to Everything Etsy!
follow you on Twitter @katekaboodle
Like you on Facebook… melanie johnson
I’m still loving the hullaballoo!
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I also Like FQS on Facebook 🙂
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Like Everything Etsy on Facebook!
I tweeted about the giveaway @lindsaysews 🙂
Also added the giveaway/button to my blog at
I’m liking the Modern Workshop precuts!
I follow EE on Twitter as @annuin
We already liked you on FB and left a comment as Margaret and Marcia (the butterfly).
I love….
Alhambra II Green Arabesque Buds Yardage
Fresh Flowers Green on White Floral Scroll Yardage
Penny Lane Green Swirls Yardage
Art Gallery Green Apple Oval Elements Yardage
Artful Home Green Playful Pinwheels Yardage
Silent Cinema Green Front Row Yardage
Sew Cherry Green Sew Daisy Yardage
…..and thats just the greens. Thank you for the chance to win 🙂
My favorites right now are Hometown by Sweetwater and Aviary 2 by Joel Dewberry.
Now I subscribe to everythingetsy
J’adore Cape Ann Cotton by Oliver + S, Sherbet Pips by Aneela Hoey but the one I am most in LOVE with is Far Far Away III by Heather Ross…
I love the new Terrain by Kate Spain!
Picking a favorite fabric is like picking a favorite child. 😛 I just love them all! 🙂
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and I follow you on twitter!
Totally digging Aunt Grace Circle of Friends by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Brothers. I’m into a Crazy Quilt kick right now and looking for vintage or vintage looking fabrics.
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I have a new favorite Fabric lilne this week at The Fat Quarter Shop….It’s the “Turnip Annie’s Farm Stand” designed by Holly Holderman. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m an Everything Etsy Facebook fan
I’m also a Fat Quarter Shop Facebook Fan! : )
I love Aviary 2 by Joel Dewberry.
My favorite fabric is Central Park Stone Zoo. And I love the hullaballoo fabric, too. I made a blanket using a charm pack of that line.
I have a Moda May button on my blog!
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Love carrot anne’s farm stand.
Right now, I am really loving the Grand Finale Violet Fall Flowers from Sandy Gervais for Moda. Gorgeous rich colors and fun pattern.
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I shared on Facebook
I follow FQS on Twitter @digitalmisfit
I follow Everything Etsy on Twitter @digitalmisfit
LOVE the Hullaballoo fabric!!
Like on FB!
Shared the giveaway via my FB page!
Following EverythingEtsy AND Fat Quarter Shop on FB!!
Love the Grinch Christmas fabric! And Strawberry Fields. And a whole bunch of others!
i like the mango FQ bundle!
i follow on twitter @desmoinesdealin
I am a subscriber of Everything Etsy.
I am following Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook.
Like Kellianne said, I love all the fabrics. I couldn’t pick just one, but the Meadow Friends sure looks like fun for the summer!
I love the Dr. Seuss fabrics!
I like FQS on facebook! 🙂
I subscribe to everything etsy! 🙂
I like everything etsy on facebook! 🙂
I am loving the new Terrain fabric.
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i like the Brick Red Artful Home Fat Quarter Bundle!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
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nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
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nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
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nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
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nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
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nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I’m already a subscriber to EE !
I like the Just Wing It Layer Cake Momo
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney@gmail .c om
Moda May button on my blog!
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail . com
Shared on FB!
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @ gmail. com
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
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Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @g mail .c om
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Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gm ail .co m
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail. com
I like the Sweet Pickins,
Following Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter
roycedavids at gmail dot com
following fat quarter on Facebook .
roycedavids at gmail dot com
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roycedavids at gmail dot com
My favorite line is the French general fabrics for moda!
I have the “Moda May” button at my sidebar
I Follow Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter (EMS arts)
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I adore Sandy Beach Batik Strip Box by Anthology Fabrics!!! What a lovely color mix and such a great gift!
Thank you for the chance!
Shared on FB:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=185022704883506&id=100000966605964
(oksana vladimirovna)
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(oksana vladimirovna)
Following Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter!(@oksana2372)
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(oksana vladimirovna)
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My fave is the DeLovely Lime Ornate Flowers.
As always far too many lovely fabrics to choose from. Love the new Prince Charming range by Tula Pink.
I subscribe to Everything Etsy
Hope to win eventually =o).I love Jelly rolls,never seen them in person.
Hello! I love how you share websites and etsy shops! I love Swiss Chard Annie’s Farm Stand Fat Quarter Bundle! Such beautiful colors.
I can’t wait for the Northcote Range fabrics to be available…FQS is the best!!
i really love the annie farm stand collection, it’s very femine , i can just see this beautiful fabric collection being used in a vintage cottage
If I won I would use it on Terrain Fat Quarter Bundle
Kate Spain for Moda Fabrics
505ClaySpace tweeted about the giveaway.
Followed moda on twitter.
Liked fat quarter on FB!
Already subscribe to your blog 🙂
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right now I’d love some Flurry from Fat Quarter Shop!
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I subscribe to your blog in my google reader!
LOVE all things Riley Blake, but especially intrigued by the new Sew Cherry line! Adorable!
Thanks for the fun!
I follow FQS on facebook!
Follow everything etsy on facebook! 🙂
I like the Dr. Seuss one.
I added the button d.
I am subscribed to the blog 🙂
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I’m already receiving the newsletter.
Love the new fabric line called “Sweet Pickins”.
I follow FQS on FB.
I subscribe to FQS newsletter and the Everything Etsy newslr.
Love the new fabric line by Lori Holt called “Sew Cherry” too.
I love the “5 Funky Monkeys” Collection by Erin Michael 🙂
I love the Amy Butler Soul Blossoms collection.
I like Everything Etsy on Facebook.
I tweeted about this giveaway from:
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I also shared the giveaway link on FB, from my fanpage:
I tweeted about this giveaway.
I mentioned this giveaway on Facebook.
I tweeted about the giveaway
I love the Shave Ice fat quarter bundle!
I like Kate Spain’s fabric lines: Central Park and Flurry.
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
LOVE this jelly roll collection:
Followed you on Twitter (I am @FLETit)
Subscribed via email.
Tweeted your giveaway!
epic fail-I am @FELTit
Anna (hanging her head in keying error shame)
I am a follower on facebook…thanks.
I like EE on Facebook.
Right now I’m in love with Tula Pink’s Prince Charming. Or maybe with Silent Cinema by Jenean Morrison?
I like the sugar and spice rolie polie
At the FQS Website, I really like all things Riley Blake!
Thanks for a chance to win!
zucchinisummer (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow FQS on twitter! Started following them during market. 🙂
Thanks for a chance to win!
zucchinisummer (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow FQS on facebook too! 🙂
Thanks for a chance to win!
zucchinisummer (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweeted: zucchinisummer TheBargainBabe
i’m entering a giveaway @everythingetsy for a fabric gift card!
zucchinisummer (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow EverythingEtsy on twitter now. 🙂
zucchinisummer@gmail (dot) com
I subscribed to your blog via email.
Thanks for a chance to win this awesome giveaway!!
zucchinisummer (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite fabric is anything from the Hummingbird Aviary 2 line by Joel Dewberry!
Following FQS on Twitter (@LauraL444)
Following FQS on FB! (Laura Wilson)
I follow on Twitter, liked FB, and posted the button on my blog
I subscribe to Everything Etsy!
The “Me & My Sister” lines are bright and fun! Love them!
Wow, picking a favorite at Fat Quarter Shop is tough — so many choices! But one collection I’m loving right now is Artful Home. Such rich colors. Thanks for the chance to win.
I’ve subscribed to Everything Etsy.
I love the Fat Quarter Shop. They have so much wonderful fabric that there is no way I could pick a favorite. I love ’em all. But, I just saw Robert Kaufman’s Appleville collection. I want that! So cute!
I subscribe to Everything Etsy … and love all the posts!
I like Hullabulo Jelly Roll at the Fat Quarter.
follow the Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter!
I follow everything etsy on Twitter.
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I follow everythingetsy on Facebook.
I subscribe to everythingetsy.
The Cherry Fizz Cherry Cherry Doilies Yardage is adorable!
Thanks for the chance.
email subscriber
I like Everything Etsy on FB (Lilly Papers)
I love the Annabelle fat quarter bundle! Thanks for the chance to win.
I subscribe via email.
I love the Silent Cinema.
I am an email subscriber
I LIKE both Fatquarter Shop and Everything Etsy on FB!
I like the Baby Fat Quarter Bundle
Michael Miller Fabrics
I visited Fat Quarters and decided that I am really fond of the entire line of Prince Charming by TulaPink. Planning on a raincoat and rain hat out of the Laminate.
I would love to play with a Hulabaloo Jelly Roll to make the Strips and Salsa pattern! I like FQS on FB and I like Everything Etsy on FB. Thanks for the chance!
Love the fabric! Has a very cool retro attitude!
Me and My Sister Favorites Jelly Roll. This would make an adorable Twirly dress!!
I like Alexander Henry Mocha Pink Cupcake Yardage
I put your button on my blog:
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Username: wastebasket
I tweeted:!/wastebasket/status/71685685219827712
I love love love Tula Pink Prince Charming collection.
THe button is on my blog;
~Kimberlee, SpunkyDiva at
I am loving the new xmas collections that just got posted at the Fat Quarter Shop.
~Kimberlee, SpunkyDiva at
I follow the Fat Quarter shop on twitter.
~Kimberlee, SpunkyDiva at
I follow you on twitted.
~Kimberlee, SpunkyDiva at
My favorite is the Beetle Boy Dark Blue Spots Yardage.
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I love the Grass Summersault Fat Quarter Bundle!
I love the Prince Charming!
I am loving strawberry fields
Deb Strain’s new line is delightful!!!
I like the Bon Vivant and Brown Stone fabrics in the shop
also shared on FB
I follow @fatquartershop
I also follow FQS on FB
I follow Everything Etsy on Twitter
also like Everything Etsy on FB!
Silent Cinema is calling my name!
I like fqs on fb
My fav. fabric line at the moment is Grace by three sisters for Moda. 🙂
I love Sunkissed!
My favorite at FQS today is Terrain by Kate Spain. Yesterday, my favorite was Pom Pom de Paris by French General. Who knows what my favorite will be tomorrow.
I follow FQS on Facebook. Thanks!
I follow Everything Etsy on Google Reader. Thanks!
I follow FQS on Twitter already.
I already like FQS on FB.
I follow EE on Twitter.
I follow EE on FB.
I subscribe to the EE feed. 🙂
I’m starting to like Annie’s Farm Stand polka dots.
I’ve subscribed to EE.
I love the green colourways of Mango Garden Batiks.
I like Bazaar Style by Pat Bravo
I love Aviary 2 – Joel Dewberry!
I love the new Heather Ross line! thanks!
i subscribe – google reader! thanks again !
Tropical Tahiti Batiks are gorgeous!
I love the Christmas Candy Doodlebug Design by Riley Blake!
I’m a Facebook fan!
I love the Dr. Seuss! Who doesn’t though.
I follow Everything Esty!
Just now my favorite fabrics are “Funky Christmas” by Michael Miller. Those reindeer are so cute, and the colors are awesome!
I’ve been eyeing the 5 Funky Monkey Series for a while. Would love to use it for my friend’s new baby.
I love Annies Farm Stand and Prince Charming
I added your button on my blog.
I must say I really love the Grand Finale line 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
following fqs on twitter!
Following ee on twitter and liked on facebook!
and…..I subscribed to ee….yay!
I am a new follower and would love the beautiful fabric that you are giving away! I am the Connecticut State Rep for Dress a Girl Around the World. We make pillowcase dresses for little girls in need of basic clothing. We believe that “every little girl deserves at least on dress…what if that dress was made by you?”
Check out my Facebook page for more information…
I am the Connecticut State Rep for Dress a Girl Around the World. We make pillowcase dresses for little girls all over the world in need of basic clothing and believe that “every girl deserves at least one dress…what if that was made by you?”
I am a follower and would love the fabric or the book in your giveaway! See my FB page and “like” it for more information on Dress a Girl Connecticut!
I follow on FB and this page. I love your content! Beautiful!
I love the Grass Summersault! They’re gorgeous!
oh boy how do u choose a favorite?
yep, Im still luving Love U by Deb Strain, Thanks for a chance to win!!!
Im a happy follower of FQS on FB, Thanks for the chance to win!
I subscribe to Everything Etsy…Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the Annabelle bundle! So pretty!
I follow Fat Quarter on Twitter @Mammamoiselle
Follow Fat Quarter on FB as Mammamoiselle
Follow you on Twitter @Mammamoiselle
Lovin’ me some Prince Charming by Miss Tula Pink!!
I subscriber of Everything Etsy
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I love Annies Farmstand
Shared on Facebook
Following on Twitter. @Dawn1117
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The Fat Quarter Shop’s Danish Tea Cakes Fat Quarter Bundle by Verna Mosquera for Free Spirit Fabrics currently has my eye!
I’m a new subscriber!
I just subscribed to Everything Etsy
I am a follower of FQS on facebook.
I can’t pick just one, so far, the Ocean & Terra Bazaar Style Fat Quarter Bundles & the Milan Bellagio Road Fat Quarter Bundle!
Favorite fabric is anything civil war or Sweetwater
I have subscribed to Everything Etsy
Posted on FB.
I “like” FQS on FB.
Following FQS on Twitter.
Subscribe to EE.
“Like” EE on FB.
Follow EE on Twitter. Thanks!
I really like new lines of Grace and Amelia
from FatQuarterShop.
I am already a facebook follower of FatQuarterShop.
I am a follower of Everything Etsy
on facebook now.
I follow Everything Etsy on Twitter.
I follow FatQuarterShop on Twitter.
I so love TulaPink’s Prince Charming. Wanting all the color ways and more more more. 🙂
I am already a facebook follower of FatQuarterShop.
I am a follower of Everything Etsy
I follow Everything Etsy on Twitter.
I follow FatQuarterShop on Twitter.
Love Tea Cakes by Verna Mosquera for Free Spirit Fabrics!
I love the Civil War Chronicles line
I have twittered
I have spread the news on facebook
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I follow fat quarter shop on twitter
I follow fat quarter shop on facebook
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Can’t wait for the Northcote Range fabrics to arrive…they are absolutely beautiful!!!
I am still liking what is left of Central Park / Moda !!!
I added MODA MAY button to my (new!) blog
I tweeted about the giveaway ;
I shared the giveaway on facebook ;
I already follow FQS and EE on facebook ! / Mickey White
I follow FQS and EE on twitter :
I am following blog !
I follow EE on facebook :—- Mickey White
I am following EE on twitter !
WOW ; that was a lot of entries !!!!
thanks so much !
FQS is one of my faves – loving the new prince charming line by tula pink!
i follow FQS on twitter
i follow EE on twitter!
i like EE on FB!
i like FQS on FB!
i’m a rss subscriber of EE
I subscribe to your blog!
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I love the Amy Butler Fabric – Soul blossoms!
I am following Fat Quarter Shop on FB
I am following Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter too 🙂
I am spreading the word on FB!
Spreading the word on Twitter too!
I like Tea Cakes. (Actually, I like ALL the new fabrics, but that line would be top of my list today.)
I added a button to my blog
I visited the fat quarter shop, and my favorite fabric is
Coral Prince Charming Fat Quarter Bundle
I am following FQS on Twitter
Tweeted about giveaway!!/mrscopple
“liked” fqs on facebook
I shared this giveaway on facebook
I subscribe to everythingetsy already!!! (:
I am following your tweets
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Amy Butler Soul 2
I am a follower
I like fat quarter shop on facebook
I like the Moda pre-cut Golden Caramel Candy Bars.
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail. com
I subscribe to everything etsy already.
I have placed week 3 button on my blog
I love Joel Dewberry’s new Aviary line.
I follow Fat Quarter on fb.
I like Everything Etsy on fb.
I am totally digging the Aqua Red line by Michael Miller.
I tweeted about this @tierralowry!
I follow FQS on Twitter.
I follow you on Facebook.
I subscribe to you.
I follow you on Twitter.
Love the Joel Dewberry Aviary 2!
I follow FQS on twitter (I’m @needlenspatula)
And I follow you on twitter too! Thanks!
I’m in love with the Tula Pink’s Indigo Prince Charming Fat Quarter Bundle.
Opps! Too tired for typing today! The link is fixed. I’m in love with the Tula Pink’s Indigo Prince Charming Fat Quarter Bundle.
I like Sarah Jane’s fabrics
Added a “Moda May” button to my blog.
Added a “Moda May” button to my blog post.
I spread the word on Twitter.
I spread the word on Facebook.
it was so hard to pick one… i picked the grass summersault.
kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Twitter.
liked fat quarter shop on FB (kate dunn)
kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com
following them on twitter (kylienkate)
kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook.
email subscriber
kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com
following u on twitter (kylienkate)
kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com
following u on twitter (kylienkate)
kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribe to Everything Etsy’s blog with Google reader.
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I just love everything Moda…Great quality fabric!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Sweet Pickins—thanks for the chance
follow fat quarter twitter kendra22007
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
Stone Zoo in the Central Park by Kate Spain for Moda Fabrics line has long been on my wishlist
Like Everything Etsy on FB
Wrote a post & put button my blog
Like the Fat Quarter Shop on FB
Tweeted 🙂
my favorite fabric is the Prince Charming
Tula Pink
I like the Essential Dots Purple Yardage.
Ahhh!! I love so many. If I try to choose I will run out of time!
I am living the oliver + s modern workshop fabric.
Haha, “living,” meant loving of course!
I follow FQS on Twitter
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I subscribe to you using Google Reader.
I follow you on Twitter (romylou)
I like you on Facebook (Romy Choi)
I would love to add some Amy Butler Soul Blossoms to my stash!
I follow FQS on Facebook and Twitter
annie’s farmstand collection is so cute! Visited the amazing shop 🙂
I love all the fabrics in Prince Charming by Tula Pink for Free Spirit Fabrics. They’re just so cool.
I’m in “Like” with Fat Quarter Shop on FB
I’m a follower
OMG! I’ve been tweeting for you (SuesSewCrafty) and almost forgot to sign up!
Fav fabric? Rich warm earth tones. Thanks!
Following on my personal FB page and lovin’ it!
Following on Twitter and lovin’ it!
Meadow Friends looks soooo cute!!