Well, either you read the whole blog, or you clicked on the “about” link in the footer! Either way, we want you to know that this is a little outdated, but pretty much sums up our original dream for Everything Etsy, which is still going strong! Stay tuned for a new About Page very soon!
When we had the idea for EverythingEtsy.com we were so excited. That excitement has only grown as we’ve come closer to the point of starting. And here we are! Ready to go!
We (Kim and Tim Layton) both have Etsy shops. Our oldest son, AJ (14) sells his handmade fly-fishing lures in Kim’s shop, FlashyFish, but soon he’ll be opening his own shop. Our younger son, Jacob (10), is putting some real consideration into his product before he launches, but by early next year the whole family will have a shop on Etsy.
In many ways, Etsy represents a number of dreams for us just like we know it does for so many folks.
The First Dream
First, there is the dream of being able to sell your own creation, the product of your own mind, heart, and hands. To be able to sell just one such item is a blessing, but to be able to sell enough to actually think “Hey, this could be something!” is a whole other thing altogether.
The Second Dream
Second, for us, is the dream of being free from a fixed location. We are serious travelers and would just love to be free to really go nuts with it. Something went wrong in our lineage though and the inheritance didn’t come through. So, sadly, we’re forced to provide the essentials of life for ourselves, a.k.a – we have to work. Etsy provides an opportunity to take the work with us. When we think of products we can sell on Etsy, we think about what can be dragged around in a 31′ motorhome. No bronze sculptures coming from us!

Our Rolling Studio - Great View! (Zion NP)
The Third Dream
Finally, we love the dream of getting to know other artists. We’re the people who can’t get through the art shows because we want to stop and talk to each artist for twenty minutes. To be honest we would probably talk to them for hours, but we usually get hurried along owing to the fact that they paid hundreds of dollars for a booth. (Another great advantage of Etsy, no such expenses) But we love the opportunity to get to know creative, opportunistic, imaginative thinkers, doers, and dreamers.

The EverythingEtsy Crew!
We figure this blog will really just help everyone on Etsy with all three of these major Etsy opportunities!
Stay Up-to-Date
You can also keep up with the happenings at EverythingEtsy.com on your computer via an RSS or Atom feed. We use Feedburner for both feeds. Sign up for our Feedburner feed here. Of course it’s free too.
We’re really looking to meet new artists so please comment and link us up to your shop. If that doesn’t work, just write your shop name in the comment and we’ll come take a look!
Thanks so much for visiting and please come back soon!
Hi, I came across your site by accident. As we really know there are no accidents in life. Well its really interesting I actually read through at 1:53a.m. I am interested in Advertising my etsy shop. Go ahead and check it out:). Can you give me pricing information.
Thanks so much,
Sabrina N.
Hi, I just heard that you featured one of my Indie Junction friends and had to come check out your site. I think what you guys have her is fantastic. I wish you lots of luck here and continued success on Etsy!
.-= jewelrybyNaLa´s last blog ..Czech Glass and Antiqued Brass Earrings =-.
I just saw you on Twitter and thought I would check out your site. It is fabulous! I love that you talk the creative talk, but also showcase other sellers and give tips on running a business on Etsy. How great is that? It shows that you have a generous spirit and also makes your site much more interesting to peruse. I like your style!
.-= Holly Storm´s last blog ..OOAK Knee-length Yukata with Pleated Obi =-.
Hi! I am a fan from facebook. I love your blog, its so nice to meet people that are as passionate about Etsy.com as I am. You are very creative and I love your tips. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for a fascinating site and showing the beauty of following dreams
Your site could be seriously addictive, especially with all of the yummy goodies in today’s post!
I would love for you to review/feature the new shop: KingdomGreetings4U
I am just starting out on Etsy and would love to be reviewed on your blog!
here’s the link to my Etsy:
How can I get my shop on here, this is such a surprise discovery!
What an amazing blog you have…I feel such a connection to you and your family after reading your bio. We also homeschool (2 girls) and adore all things creative. My girls are very much entrepreneurs at heart and I can tell they will use their creativity in wonderful ways as they grow. It’s so awesome you are teaching your boys the way you are…traveling the country and earning a living as you go!!
I will be sure to follow your blog regularly – it will definitely be a favorite!!
Blessings, Dana
Great blog and tips ! Thank you so much for sharing ! I am an artist living in Europe and I love travelling as well !
I would really appreciate your opinion on my Etsy shop and/or review on your blog.
.-= nataly´s last blog ..Large ORIGINAL abstract painting textured modern fine art FRAMED – Nataly Borissova =-.